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Wednesday, September 2, 2009


I promised in my last post that today's entry would be of a new variety. As a lover of everything photographic, I plan on having a feature of my new blog-site be reviews of products that I feel other photographers as well as my clients can use to enjoy their photos. I know how much I love finding out about fun new photo products and ideas, so hopefully I will be able to share something every now and again that one of you may find new and interesting.

For my first product review, I have chosen the good people over at Moo.com. I just recently received my newest batch of business cards from Moo and could not be happier. I have been a fan of their products for awhile and just love the look and feel of their brand in general. Moo is basically a printing company that provides products such as postcards, business cards, stickers, etc but there is one thing that made them stick out in my mind when I first stumbled onto them. Ordering a pack of 50 business cards? Have 50 awesome photos? Well guess what, you can put a different photo on every.single.card. And it doesn't cost anything extra. This may not be a big deal for cards of corporate upper management types, but for someone in the visual arts world it is amazing. Being able to have an entire portfolio of images in your pocket to select from each time someone asks for your card makes so much sense.

Moo also isn't just for people running a business, they have tons of products that anyone would find fun to display their photos on. If you are a client and have a whole DVD worth of photos, don't just stick it in a drawer somewhere. Pick some of your favorites to have printed up as Minicards to give to your friends, or to display in the Mosaic Frame that you can change every day. From party announcements to gift tags, there are all kinds of ways to use these fun little things. So if your a photographer looking to market yourself, or just someone who hasn't looked at their photos anywhere but on a screen for way too long, head on over to Moo.com and take a look around. I'll leave you with a photo of my newest batch of cards, if you see me on the street be sure to ask for one!

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