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Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Ink Magazine asked me to shoot some more photos for them a few weeks ago, and this time I had the pleasure of meeting Michael Ny. Michael is a current VCU student who is also volunteering his time at the Bensley-Bermuda Volunteer Rescue Squad. The organization was established in 1964 and today serves Chesterfield county as "an all-volunteer agency dedicated to providing outstanding emergency medical care to the sick and injured". I had the opportunity to drive over to the station for a quick tour and everyone I met seemed like a really great group. Check them out below, and pick up this year's last issue of Ink on the VCU campus April 15th!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for such a great shoot, Josh! I'm glad we managed to have a laugh or two despite the weather that afternoon. What a real treat it was to have these taken.

    Thanks again! These are great.

